OTC Fat Loss Protocol

Petter Olsson
5 min readJul 27, 2017


Warning: I am not advising anyone to take anything merely describing a protocol that has been very effective for me. Speak to your doctor before starting even though this is all over the counter supplements.

An introduction to body fat

In what might be shocking news to some we are born with a certain amount of fat cells that stay with us throughout our life. How is this possible you might wonder? Can I not burn away my fat? The short answer is no. Fat does not magically disappear, and no, it can not be turned into muscle as that would break the laws of physics. If you are on a diet and are losing weight, you are shrinking the size of the fat cells, not burning them away. Fat cells are here to stay, but you can control the size of those cells which is the goal of this blog post.

With our goal clear, we want to shrink fat cells let’s talk about the two stages where we accumulate the cells in the first place. We do this in the womb and a second time during puberty. Once this process is over, we are done assembling fat cells.

The Experience until today

Eating at maintenance (you are trying to maintain your current weight) is an excellent time to introduce something like this. As you are in a perfect state and this protocol would be the only change, you will see significant benefits and lose a minimal amount of strength.

As I am sure you are aware, the leaner you are, the harder it becomes to be even leaner. Let me be clear, an average photo model hovers around 9–10% body fat, but the guys you see on stage in contests (Think Bodybuilding) are around 2–3%. The average male person is around 25–35% body fat and the more you have to lose the easier it is, at the beginning that is.

What we need

1. Chromium Picolinate
2. Synephrine
3. EGCG (Green Tea Extract)

How the supplements work

My knowledge around this compound was limited a while back but looking for new way to enhance fat reduction made me deep dive into this one. What I found out around this compound is nothing less than startling, and it is now a staple in my supplementation.

Chromium is a highly underrated supplement. Looking at the research data, we get a fairly clear picture that shows most people being deficient. Modern agricultural practices and food processing are mostly to blame for this. Even if you are very careful of the food, you purchase you will still not be getting enough.

I will sometimes have massive food cravings, and I am pretty sure most people can relate. When you satisfy these needs above what is required, you will raise your insulin levels, and this will expand those fat cells. If you at the same time have a chromium deficiency fat loss will come to a grinding halt, it might, in fact, go the other way. Unless you burn a ridiculous amount of calories on a daily basis, you will expand your fat cells and drive your body towards being a diabetic. Chromium helps in this regard and balances insulin levels and contributes to shrinking fat cells. It will assist to control your appetite away from sweets and starches as you are more balanced and able to process these kinds of foods more efficiently.

Your body’s energy levels are very affected by chromium. One constant complaint among almost everyone is fatigue and chromium deficiency is one of the causes.

If you are diabetic or pre-diabetic, you should consult with your doctor before supplementing with this compound.

In many ways, this is pretty similar to the Ephedrine, and while it is much safer, we still need to be careful with dosing. I say this from my own experience and can attest to this being a potent compound. Let me illustrate with an example. When dosing synephrine, you will use a micro scoop. The first time you see this, you might almost start laughing considering it’s size. My first time around I followed the instructions and could feel the effect within 20-minutes or so. The second round I tripled my dose, and I would strongly suggest you do not try this.

Synephrine, derived from plants and animals, is sometimes labeled as “Orange Extract.” It will increase your metabolic rate by increasing lipolysis. A simple Google search will get you in the right direction for purchasing this. We will, at a maximum, use 20mg/day.

Check your blood pressure while using this. Do not even considering using this if you have high blood pressure.

Green Tea Extract (EGCG)
I am sure you have heard about the effects of Green Tea and fat loss. Most people run to the store, buy some Lipton Green Tea bag and think they are all set. These microscopic dosages are a waste of everyone’s time unless you happen to love Green Tea. It is complete nonsense. You will need much higher dosages.

EGCG, Epigallocatechin Gallate, is the main component in Green Tea. It affects your daily energy expenditure, and you will burn more calories, even when sleeping. That bag of Lipton Tea will NOT have this effect.

As you start looking around to buy this, you will need to pay extra close attention to the label and look at the content. Do not look for Green Tea, look for EGCG, as you will find the correct products that, most likely, have higher dosages. For this protocol, you will be taking 600mg/day.

If you have read my other post about Essential Supplements and are already taking Fish Oil, it is a good time to combine these as it will increase the bioavailability of the EGCG.

Supplementation Protocol

Chromium: 800mcg daily
Synephrine: 10mg, for three days, if you feel Ok, increase to 20 mg.
EGCG: 600mg daily (Remember, this is EGCG, not total green tea extract. Read that label carefully.)
NOTE: Take everything once per day in the morning seven days per week.

Side effects

Chromium and EGCG have a 100% safety profile, so you do not need to think about those two very much. However, be a bit careful with Synephrine as it’s similar to ephedrine. If you take too much, you will get jittery and get a “nervous” feeling about everything.



Petter Olsson

Petter is a father, husband, and a fitness aficionado with a passion for using technology to improve our lives.